There are many varieties of Dock growing wild which are all edible. Dock can be used fresh, dried or in tincture form.
Yellow dock is also sometimes recommended for
nasal & lung congestion.
Dock is a wonderful
blood purifier &
body cleanser.
It is known to have helped heal
tumors &
Yellow dock is used in traditional medicine as a
gentle laxative or mild
astrigent tonic.
encourages both bowel movement &
good digestion by
stimulating the release of gastric juices.
The herb is also used for healing unbalanced menstrual cycles,heavy bleeding during periods,menstrual pain & also as fibroids in the uterus.Dock has also proven spectacularly successful in dealing with various forms of
mouth infections in the gums & root canals.
It remedies constipation while strengthening the colon, was employed to treat syphilis.
This common herb has invaluable ingredients for
conditions of the blood & glandular system & is indicated in
eruptive diseases, especially when
discharges are experienced, as in
running of the ears,
ulcerated eyelids & skin conditions - such as
scurvy etc.
Excellent as a
blood purifier &
tones up the entire system.
Often the best approach is to take small amounts regularly over several months, promoting gradual but effective
Yellow dock combines well with nettle in
allergic & rheumatic conditions. Both herbs also contain appreciable levels of iron & can be used as a natural iron supplement in mild cases of
Yellow dock is commonly used as a
laxative in cases of maldigestion &
low stomach acid.
Because it improves absorption of nutrients, yellow dock is used to treat
anemia &
poor hair,
fingernail &
skin quality.
The docks are high in bioflavonoids, which help
strengthen capillaries.
Yellow dock is used for
pain & swelling of nasal passages & the
respiratory tract.
It is also used to treat
bacterial infections &
sexually transmitted diseases.
cleanses the lymphatic system & can be used in cases of
hardened lymph nodes or
glandular swellings.
The leaves are astringent, rich in iron & used as poultice for sores & hives. Dock leaves can be used for
stings & inside shoes for
sore feet.
Application of a compress helps with skin irritations & rubbing the leaves on your skin can relieve the itchy symptoms of a stinging nettle rash.
Externally it can be applied to
varicose veins, which are said to benefit greatly from this application.
Fresh leaves have been used for
foul wounds &
shingles or
itching skin.The powdered root stock in water is employed as a gargle for laryngitis & as a tooth powder in gingivitis.
Yellow dock roots are also beneficial for healing gout, arthritis,systitis,water retention,urinary stones & gravel.The root has laxative,alterative & mild tonic action & can be freely used as a tonic & laxative in rheumatism,bilious complaints & as astringent in piles,bleedings of lungs etc.It is useful for relieving a congested liver,as well as for scrofulous skin diseases.The seeds were ground & eaten by many Indian tribes, while the roots stimulate bile, clear toxins & are used internally to treat psoriasis & constipation. The mildly laxative root also benefits the liver & gallbladder. In Ojibwa people dried & powdered the root, then moistened it & applied it as poultice for itching, ulcers & skin eruptions. Like dandelion & burdock roots, yellow dock roots & preparations are used to improve conditions related to a sluggish digestive system, such as liver dysfunction, acne, headaches & constipation.
The seeds are used in dysentery,for their astringent action.
PRECAUTIONS:Excessive use of yellow dock can cause a blood disorder called metabolic acidosis & life-threatening calcium deficiency in the blood.
Yellow dock should not be used by pregnant or nursing women.
Yellow dock contains oxalic acid, which can irritate the intestines of some people. Oxalic acid gives dock a tart, sour flavor & it has a laxative & stimulating effect on the bowels.
Oxalic acid can inflame the kidneys & intestines & should be avoided entirely by those with severe irritable bowel or kidney disease.
Those with irritable digestive systems may react to even small amounts of yellow dock.
Yellow dock also contains anthraquinone glycosides, strong laxative agents. Do not use yellow dock regularly for constipation because it can cause laxative dependence.
Do not use if you have diarrhea or a history of gallbladder attacks.
Do not use bitter herbs such as yellow dock or dandelion if you have pain, inflammation, or acidity in the digestive tract.
As with any stimulant laxative, yellow dock should not be used if there is an intestinal obstruction.
Possible side effects of overuse include cramps, diarrhea, nausea, intestinal dependence on the laxative & excessive loss of potassium .
RECIPES:All green parts are exceptionally nutritious, with high quantities of Vitamin C, protein, calcium, potassium, iron &
contain more carotene than carrots.
The leaves, stalk & even seeds are edible. The leaves are delicious with a wonderful lemony tang
& are collected in the early spring. They can be eaten raw or lightly steamed.
Leaves are served as a raw vegetable in salads, a cooked vegetable or added to soups.You can eat small amounts raw in salads, or cook them in soups or quiche.Because the leaves contain oxalic acid it’s best not to overeat them raw & avoid them completely if you have a history of oxalate kidney stones. Be sure to wash the very young leaves before eating them because they contain chrysophanic acid that can irritate & numb your tongue. Word of caution: cooked dock leaves very quickly turn an unappetizing grey-green color & have a distressing tendency to become slimy. Both issues can be solved by using a wet cooking method &/or cooking them with other greens.
The leaves become bitter by mid-spring which is when the flower stalk is collected. Peel off the tough outer layer & then eat the stalk raw or boil it for a few minutes to soften. The seeds are collected when they are dry to the touch & then ground to create flour, which has a flavor similar to buckwheat.
The seeds were once roasted & used as a coffee substitute. In Appalachia, the locals soak it in vinegar & use it as a wash for fungal infections. Herbal Tea: Steep 1 tsp of chopped dock root in a cup of boiling water.Take 2-3 times a day to improve digestion, especially of fatty foods, as a liver tonic & for skin eruptions,ringworm. Drink several cups each day for 1-2 months to treat anemia.Tincture: Cover chopped root with 40% alcohol in the jar.
Cap with a tight fitting lid, put the jar in a dark place at room temperature & shake at least once daily.
After 2 to 3 weeks, strain the contents through several layers of cheesecloth.
Store in a glass bottle away from light & heat.
Take 1/4 to 1 tsp every 2 to 8 hours for a few days to treat constipation.
Put 1-2 tsp of the root in a cup of water, bring to the boil & simmer gently for 5 minutes,turn the heat off & let it steep for 15-20 min.
Drink 3 times a day.
Decoctions have been used for ulcers, burns & skin diseases.
Syrup: Boil 250 g of crushed root in a 500 ml of syrup.
Take 3 times a day.
Externally: Ulcers, hard tumors, eruptive skin diseases, etc., have been removed by the application of the bruised root in poultice form.
An ointment made with the root simmered in oil.
Yellow Dock Frittata:
1 cup yellow dock leaves, steamed & well drained
6 eggs
2 tbsp fresh cream
salt & pepper to taste
1 medium potato
½ minced onion or leek
2 tbsp butter
1 cup grated goat cheese
1 tsp dried basil
1 tsp mustard
Peel & finely chop the potato.
Sauté onion in butter until tender.
Add the potato & sauté for about 5 minutes.
Whisk eggs, cream, basil, cheese, mustard, salt & pepper together in a bowl. Add the yellow dock greens.
Add the egg mixture on top of the potatoes & onions.
Cook on low heat on the stove top for about 10 min until the bottom of frittata is set, but top is still runny.
Put under the grill for about 5 min or until the top is nicely browned.
This breakfast can be made with any wild greens, but yellow dock gives it a nice lemony taste.
Dock Seed Crackers:
1 cup of dock seed flour
1 tsp of salt
1 cup flour
Mix in enough water to make pliable, but not sticky dough.
On a well-floured surface, roll dough as thin as possible.
Cut into desired shapes or transfer it whole to a well-oiled cookie sheet.
Bake for 10 -12 minutes at 250C or until crisp.
Yellow Dock Vinegar:
Fresh yellow dock root
1 jar
Apple cider vinegar
Slice the clean roots into thin rounds & fill the jar to the top.
Pour in the apple cider vinegar.
Let macerate for at least 4 weeks.
You can strain the vinegar.
Yellow Dock Vinaigrette:
3 tbsp high quality olive oil
2 tbsp yellow dock vinegar
1 clove crushed garlic
½ tsp bruised herbs de provence
freshly cracked black pepper
small pinch of sea salt
Whisk all ingredients in a bowl & drizzle over your favorite salad or even use as a meat marinade/dipping oil.
BEAUTY:The yellow dock herb is very rich in astringent & antimicrobial properties that provide relief from boils,acne, eczema, skin rashes & psoriasis.
Native Americans have preferred this root for the creation of effigy dolls for love. Yellow Dock may be used to clear blockages & cut binding ties that prevent one from moving on.It can help eliminate emotional waste that accumulates as garbage & is lugged around as a burden. It helps one deal with & release emotions tied to problems of the past, anxieties & old pain. It is a good herb for periods of transition & transformation at the cusp to a new phase in life. It is said that in Anglo-Saxon England, physicians used a mixture of the leaves & holy water to cure people believed to have been made ill by witchcraft.
The seeds are used in money spells & incenses, or an infusion can be sprinkled around your business to attract customers.
If you are a woman, tying the leaves to your left arm is said to help conception.To draw money & business, brew a strong tea from the herb & strain out the root & use this tea to wash the door knobs to draw customers into a shop. This is also used to make an Old Indian Love-Doll. To work this Iroquois-style doll-baby trick, name a forked yellow dock root for the intended & carry it around & love it up for a month, then boil it & use the tea to wash your face & hands & sprinkle your clothes & then go to see your loved one at once, wearing these clothes.Widely believed to possess mystical & medicinal properties in folklore, Yellow dock root is frequently viewed as possessing the power to reap great benefits upon those who use it.