Thyme is a member of the mint family.
Thyme leaves contain thymol, a powerful
antiseptic chemical used in World War I to disinfect battlefield
Thyme is a natural
expectorant which makes it an excellent remedy for
throat or bronchial problems.
Being a natural antiseptic, you can use the infusion to make a gargle which
reduces the inflammation associated with a sore throat.
Coughs can be treated with steam inhalations & rubbing hot infusions directly onto the chest.
Thyme can be simmered in a pot on the stove during
flu season as a preventative measure, adding the many healing properties of this herb to the air.
Thyme is a powerful & effective disinfectant & can be used both externally (as a wash) & internally to help fight off infection. Thyme is also rich in antioxidants & has a tonic effect, supporting normal body functions. It has a positive effect on the glandular system as a whole & especially the thymus gland.Thyme tea is useful as a digestive tonic, for hangovers & as an acne wash. It purges the body of phlegm & is an excellent remedy for shortness of breath.
It helps in healing leprosy.
Oil of thyme is employed as a rubefacient & counter-irritant in rheumatism, etc.
It is most useful against septic sore throat, especially during scarlet-fever.
Thyme helps in healing cuts, bruises, acne, rash & so forth on the skin, especially in the area of the face, neck, throat & forehead.
The relaxing benefits of thyme can also be seen in the digestive tract & used to good effect for wind & colic, irritable bowel syndrome & spastic colon.
Thyme also acts as a cleansing liver tonic, stimulating the digestive system & liver function, making it useful for indigestion, poor appetite, anemia, skin complaints, lethargy & gallbladder complaints.
As a diuretic, thyme reduces water retention, infections of the urinary tract, rheumatism & gout.
RECIPES:Thyme is found widely in culinary dishes all over the world, found in many meat, tomato & egg dishes.
Tea:Steep 1-2 tsp fresh or dried thyme leaves & flowers in 1 cup hot water & drink 3 times daily.
Thyme Syrup:50-100 g thyme leaf & flower
1 l water
1 cup honey
Combine the thyme & water in a pan over very low heat.
Simmer lightly, with the lid ajar to allow the steam to escape, until the liquid is reduced by half, giving you about 2 cups of strong thyme tea.
Add the honey to the warm liquid & stir, just until the honey is melted.
Store in a glass jar in the refrigerator, where the honey will keep for 3 to 4 weeks.
For a longer shelf life, add ¼ cup of brandy to each cup of syrup.
Brandy not only is a good preservative but also serves as an antispasmodic & will help relax the throat muscles, which is helpful in treating a cough.
Take ½-1 tsp every couple of hours until the cold or cough subsides.
Thyme Honey:Fill a jar half full of fresh thyme leaves & flowers.
Gently warm a batch of raw, unpasteurized honey, so that it will better extract the properties of the thyme.
Do not overheat or boil; heat over 45 C will kill the honey’s enzymes & destroy its medicinal benefit.
Add enough honey to the jar to cover the herbs & place the jar in a sunny place. Let steep for approximately 2 weeks.
Bottle & store in a cool pantry or in the refrigerator, where the honey will keep for several months.
A bath made with thyme flowers can ease nervous exhaustion.
Add 100g thyme leaves & flowers to 2 l boiling water.
Cover & leave to infuse for 15 minutes.
Strain & add to bathwater.
BEAUTY:Tea made of the leaves of thyme & rosemary will darken the hair & keep it soft & silky as well as free the scalp of dandruff.
A very stimulating herb, thyme boosts circulation & has anti-cellulite properties.
Fresh Thyme Facial Mask for Acne & Blemishes:
1 tbsp fresh thyme, leaves only
1 tbsp sour cream
1/2 tsp lemon juice
1 tsp honey (optional)
In a blender or small food processor, combine all ingredients & blend until the thyme is in very small pieces.
Apply to a clean face & leave on for 15 minutes.
Rinse well.
MAGIC:The Greeks thought very highly of Thyme. It was mixed in drinks to enhance intoxicating effects & induce bravery & warriors were massaged with thyme oil to ensure their courage. Women wore thyme in their hair to enhance their attractiveness. In Medieval England, ladies embroidered sprigs of thyme into their knights' scarves to increase their bravery. In Scotland, highlanders brewed tea to increase courage & keep away nightmares.It was used as an embalming herb in ancient Egypt & was burned in other places as offerings to celebrate Rites of Passing. It was placed in coffins throughout Europe to ensure passage into the next world.According to legend, any place where thyme grows wild is a place blessed by the fairies. The ancient Greeks burned thyme in their temples for consecration & purification, but also as an offering to the gods. Modern pagans use thyme as a smudging herb to purify the space used for a magical ritual. Wear sprig of thyme in your hair to make yourself irresistible. A pillow stuffed with thyme dispels nightmares & promotes safe, positive dreams. Wild thyme was sacred to Freyja , a Norse pagan goddess & was placed in the pillows of the sickbed.In spring a magical cleansing bath composed of marjoram & thyme is taken to ensure all the sorrows & ills of the past are removed from the person. Thyme is believed to be lucky in two different ways, for protection & cleansing & to bring about an increase in money. To stop nightmares,burn thyme on charcoal & breathe the smoke.Best known use of thyme is in money drawing spells. Some people plant thyme in their gardens, saying that as it grows, their money will increase. Take a dollar bill, fold it around thyme leaves fold it again to make a packet, tie it up with green thread & bury the packet in the middle of a Crossroads on the night of the Full Moon. Add a thyme infusion to the bath regularly to ensure a constant flow of money. Thyme can be a valuable incense to protect against dangerous creatures, insects & reptiles. Thyme carries with it the magic of light & is an excellent choice for those who take themselves too seriously. Burn or hang in the home for banishing, purification & to attract good health for all occupants. Use in dream pillows to ward off nightmares & ensure restful sleep. Place in a jar & keep in the home or at work for good luck.
When attending a funeral, wear a sprig of thyme to repel the negativity of the mourners. It is worn or added to the ritual cup to aid in communicating with the deceased.Thyme is used in healing rituals & in spells for good luck & success. It is said women who wear or carry Thyme are irresistible to men & carrying sprigs in your pocket aids in developing your psychic abilities. Burn some Thyme to help boost your courage & confidence when facing challenging situations.