Mullein tea provides vitamins B-2, B-5, B-12 & D, iron, PABA, sulfur, magnesium. As a softening, soothing herb, it is wonderful for
old, dry, tickly coughs &
conditions of the lungs where the lining has worn down, resulting in
regular chest infections with a
tight chest,
dry membranes & a
chronic, long lasting cough.
Mullein softens the membranes,
opens the chest &
allows proper breathing, acting as a
tonic to the respiratory tract & alleviating the misery of
winter chest infections.
The other area that Mullein particularly suits is conditions affecting the joints – hot, dry, constricted conditions such as
arthritis & related joint complaints, as well as
broken bones,
strained tendons &
ligaments &
torn muscles.
Mullein can also be used as a
pain killer &
nervine, soothing & easing conditions where the
nerves have become trapped & tight.
The flowers can also be used as a mild sedative for
Mullein can also be used to ease both
acute & chronic cystitis & to relieve
water retention &
bladder irritation.
As a useful
digestive remedy, it can be used for those suffering from
abdominal pain,
diarrhoea with urgency &
long lasting digestive upset.
Mullein is used for tuberculosis, bronchitis, hoarseness, pneumonia, chills, flu, swine flu, fever, allergies, tonsillitis & sore throat. Other uses include asthma, colic, gastrointestinal bleeding, migraines, joint pain & gout. It is also used as a sedative & as a diuretic to increase urine output.Mullein root is used in urinary tract issues. Externally, mullein is used to treat earache, specifically chronic otitis media (the flowers are macerated in olive oil) & eczema (especially around the ear). Childhood ailments such as mumps, measles & chicken pox can be treated with mullein.Mullein syrup can treat coronary disorders such as angina & heart palpitations. Topically, Mullein can be used to make a great drawing poultice or ointment for
splinters &
bites & can be used to soothe
cuts &
Mullein is used for for emphysema, asthma, hay fever & whooping cough. Indians smoked dried mullein & coltsfoot cigarettes for bronchitis & asthma. The tea is also an astringent, it's good for diarrhea & it's been used in compresses for hemorrhoids for centuries.The plant juice as well as powder made with the dried roots can remove warts.PRECAUTIONS:When used externally, the tiny hairs on the underside of the leaves can be irritating to sensitive skin, in which case simply wrap the leaf in cheesecloth or muslin before applying.The tiny hairs on the leaves can be irritating & any teas should be filtered very carefully to avoid this problem.RECIPES:To relieve acute lung problems, such as bronchitis, pneumonia, SARS, even coughs, 2-4 cups of mullein infusion a day, plus elecampane, echinacea are consumed until health has returned. To strengthen the lungs, or to restore health to lung tissues after tobacco smoke or radiation: 1-2 cups of mullein infusion daily for 6 weeks is suggested. To relieve allergies & asthma, 2-4 cups of mullein infusion every day for 6-8 weeks.An infusion is taken internally in the treatment of a wide range of chest complaints and also to treat diarrhoea. The Native American Indians smoked Mullein for sore throats and lung congestion. - See more at:
An infusion of the flowers in olive oil is used as earache drops, or as a local application in the treatment of piles and other mucous membrane inflammations. - See more at:
The flowers infused in seed oil is a useful remedy for ear ache & ear infections when rubbed around the base of the ear & 1-2 drops placed into the ear itself – not recommended, however, if you have a perforated ear drum PRECAUTIONS:PRECAUTIONS
Cough Tea: 1 part coltsfoot leaf1 part marsh mallow leaf & flower1 part mullein leafPrepare an infusion of the herbs by adding 1 cup of boiling water to 1 tsp of mixed herb.Steep for 10 min.Drink ½ cup as often as needed until the cough subsides.
Glandular Tonic:
2 parts mullein flower & leaf2 parts peppermint or spearmint leaf1 part calendula flower1 part cleavers top1 part red clover flowerPrepare an infused tea. Drink ½ cup of tea daily. Continue for 5 days, discontinue for 2 days, then repeat the cycle as needed.The herbs in this blend are particularly beneficial for the entire endocrine gland system.
BEAUTY:After you wash your hair, treat it to a final rinse with mullein tea. The tea will leave a beautiful shine & also help maintain a healthy scalp.
The flowers were used by Roman women to make a blonde hair wash.
Mullein flowers also provide a soothing & cleansing effect to the skin.
Used for magical protection against negativity. Place Mullein leaves in a pillow to guard against nightmares. Carry in pocket while hiking to keep wild animals away. Also used in love spells & to instill courage.The herb is credited with being able to bring back children abducted by the Sidhe. A small bit of the plant, taken regularly, is believed to ensure long life.
The plant was used as a torch at funerals & other gatherings.The large stalks were oiled & put in fire.
Mullein leaves, because of their fragrance believed to have an overpowering effect on demons.
In the Middle Ages, people deprecatingly called the mullein “hag taper”, because witches used it in their incantations & as an important ingredient in their brews & love potions.
Some say a leaf of mullein can be carried on the person to attract love from the opposite sex.Mullein gives courage to the bearer & a few leaves placed in the shoe keeps one from catching a cold.
Some say there is a connection between this herb & women.
A folklore tale speaks about men in mountain areas performing a simple love divination. A man went to a clearing where a mullein grew & bent it down so that it pointed toward his love’s house. If she loved him the mullein would grow upright again; if she loved another it would die.
Graveyard dust – an infrequent ingredient in spells – can be substituted with powdered mullein leaves. The powdered leaf has been found in ancient grimoires as a substitute for graveyard dust.
Mullein can be used to bring clarity & inner light, to help a person stand firm & develop inner strength.
It can be good for those who struggle with their conscience – perhaps to help them see whether what they did was right or wrong & how to learn from their mistakes if their choice was wrong.
Mullein is a very good plant for those who feel they have lost their sense of 'self', to help them figure out where their boundaries are & develop into the people they are supposed to be.
Give it to those who have gone through a traumatic or life changing experience & who need help processing it all & learning from their experiences.
It could possibly also be used as a bit of a safety net, to provide reassurance & prevent the descent into bitterness that can follow negative experiences.
In the Middle Ages, Mullein was grown in monastery gardens as a protection from the devil.