Milk Thistle |
The medicinal parts of the plant are the seeds & the dried flower, which contains silymarin. This bioflavonoid
stimulates the liver to produce healthy liver cells &
acts as an antioxidant to protect the liver from damage from free radicals.
Boosts the immune system.
Used for
diseases of the liver &
gall bladder.
Milk thistle is used to treat
gallstones &
Milk thistle may
prevent liver damage in people undergoing chemotherapy.
Milk thistle can help protect the liver from damage caused by alcohol,chemicals, drugs, diseases & toxic plants.
Milk Thistle has been shown to work at preventing liver damage associated with anti-biotics, anti-depressants & anti-psychotic medication.
Milk thistle can also be used as part of a detoxifying health program to tonify & nourish an overworked liver.
Milk thistle
reverses alcohol damage,speeds recovery in viral & alcohol-induced hepatitis,slows progression of cirrhosis & extends life expectancy.
Also promotes bowel movement via an increase in blood flow & improves kidney function & urination.
Clears the skin of rashes & some skin diseases.
Assists in countering the pain & discomfort of menstrual & premenstrual problems.
Milk thistle protects against gallstone formation.
Milk thistle can help treat cirrhosis & chronic hepatitis, which can be caused by alcohol abuse, autoimmune disease, or viruses.
Milk thistle, in combination with medical treatment, may help improve blood sugar & cholesterol in people with type 2 diabetes.
Milk Thistle extract is absorbed into the blood very quickly & reaches its full potential one hour after it has been taken.
Depending upon the type & severity of a patients disease, a course of treatment that includes Milk Thistle may start to show significant results in as little as seven days, but in severe cases of cirrhosis & chronic hepatitis, full remission may take two years.
In cases of general debility & biliousness, an improvement will be felt after a week to ten days.
If the skin has a jaundiced hue, this will eventually disappear.
Milk thistle supplies an antidote to the death cap mushroom (Amanita phalloides), which kills its victims by destroying liver cells.
Creeping Thistle |
Creeping thistle root of first year plants can be eaten raw or cooked. Nutritious but rather bland, they are best used in a mixture with other vegetables. The root is likely to be rich in inulin, a starch that cannot be digested by humans. This starch passes straight through the digestive system & in some people, ferments to produce flatulence. Stems peeled & cooked like asparagus or rhubarb. Leaves raw or cooked.Prickles need to be removed before the leaves can be eaten. The root is tonic, diuretic, astringent, antiphlogistic & hepatic. It has been chewed as a remedy for toothache. A decoction of the roots has been used to treat worms in children. |
It may cause loose stools in some people, but this effect usually disappears in 2-3 days.
People who are allergic to artichokes, kiwi, ragweed, daisies, marigolds & chrysanthemums are at higher risk at getting the allergic reaction.
Those who have diabetes, endometriosis, breast cancer, uterine cancer, ovarian cancer, or other hormone dependent diseases should check with a doctor before using milk thistle.
Milk thistle is not recommended for children.
RECIPES:The dried, powdered seeds can be made into an infusion:
2 to 3 tsp steeped in 2 cups of boiling hot water for 10-15 minutes
or added to food
1 tsp 3 times daily.
People sometimes eat the stem & leaves of milk thistle in salads. The flower heads were once boiled & eaten like artichokes.
Milk thistle tincture:
1:3 extraction ratio
45% alcohol vol.1-2ml up to 3 times per day
Standard infusion: Collect ripe seeds & cut whole plants when flowering.
All parts are dried.
3 handfuls of fresh plants/30g dried to 2 cups of water.
Take up to 1 cup a day.
Roots, young leaves (remove spines) & young stems (peeled & soaked to remove bitterness) can be used in salads.
Cook leaves like spinach.
Cook flower buds like small globe artichokes.
Cook young stems like asparagus or rhubarb.
Roasted seed is a coffee substitute.
MAGIC:The Anglo Saxons recorded the fact that if the milk thistle was hung around a man's neck,all snakes in his presence would begin fighting.