The petals of cornflower are used internally in the form of a bitter energizer & stimulant, for enhancing digestion & perhaps also to support the liver, in addition to augment resistance to infection.
Also drink it as a tonic, bitter & liver & gallbladder stimulant. Women can take it for menstrual disorders & vaginal yeast infections.The petals are also taken as a bitter tonic and stimulant improving digestion, as well as for possibly supporting the liver function. Poultices made from the petals can also be used for eye problems. The petals may also improve resistance to infection.
The seeds are used as a mild laxative for children.
The leaves are used in decoctions for rheumatic complaints and as a hair rinse to treat scalp eczema. A douche is used to treat vaginal candida infections.
- See more at: Cornflower is also recommended for alleviating rheumatism & anorexia. Due to its soothing effects, cornflower is used in treating facial muscles & wrinkles. It is also used in treating afflictions like eczemas & ulcerations. The anthocyanins in cornflowers have strong anti-inflammatory & antioxidant properties so using cornflowers will help with tired, itchy & puffy eyes. Other eye-related benefits can include reducing the effects of pollution or soothing the eyes after long hours at the computer. Cornflower has antiseptic properties, making it worth a try for cuts, scrapes & bruising of the skin.Seeds of cornflower can be used as a gentle laxative for kids.Cornflower tea can be taken to treat fever, constipation, water retention & chest congestion. Cornflower is recommended in treating diarrhea, renal & urinary afflictions, while being used in infusions. Cornflower has soothing & antiseptic effects & is used under the form of poultices in cases of conjunctivitis, irritations & inflammations of eye lids.
The leaves can be smashed & applied to wounds & steeped in wine to treat fevers. It can also be used externally as an astringent, as an eye bath for eye infections such as conjunctivitis or for sore eyes & as a mouthwash to treat bleeding gums.To use for cuts & scrapes, simply rub the cut & of a cornflower stem on the affected area. A decoction prepared with cornflower leaves is used to cure rheumatic disorders. Cornflower is added to shampoos or the infusion is used in the form of a hair wash to facilitate in treatment of eczema of the scalp. A douche prepared of a cornflower decoction may also be used to treat candida or yeast infections.Cornflower is also taken internally in the form of infusion for treating renal & urinary complaints & diarrhea.
Cornflower may cause an allergic reaction in people who are sensitive to the Asteraceae/Compositae plant family. Members of this family include ragweed, chrysanthemums, marigolds, daisies, & many others.
RECIPES:The petals of cornflower are used in salad to give it a vibrant color.The petals are used in cornbread muffins.Used to garnish food items.Infusion of cornflowers is prepared from 1-2 tsp of cornflowers added to 300 ml boiling water. The pot is then left to cool down for 15-20 minutes. It is consumed lukewarm, half an hour before main meals. This is very useful for treating diarrhea. Around 2 - 3 cups of this mixture are consumed daily, having the effect of eliminating intestinal parasites. The infusion obtained from mixing cornflowers with mountain cranberry is an efficient diuretic.
Poultices made of cornflower are made from on 1 tsp of cornflowers added to 200 ml hot water. BEAUTY:Daily cornflower compresses on the eyes are thought to visibly diminish fine lines & tone the skin around the eyes.
For use as an eyewash, prepare as you would a tea, then soak a washcloth & use as an eye compress.
For facial skin eruptions, acne, or other irritations, the leaves & flowers can be used as a steam facial - boil the leaves & flowers, then cover the head with a towel & sit over the steaming container. After 15 minutes or so, rinse the face with cool water.
It has been used to give eyes a bright sparkling look. A steam-facial of the petals improves look & health of skin.
An infusion prepared with the petals of cornflower is used to cure the dark rings under the eyes. The active substances enclosed by cornflower actually prevent the formation of the dark rings under the eyes & simultaneously, soften the skin in the region of the eyes. When applied locally, cornflower also helps to detoxify the body.Cornflower can be used to make a poultice. Add 1 tbsp of cornflower to 200 mg of boiling water & apply cotton wool soaked in the liquid on your eyes.Cornflower facial mask:
mix 1 tsp of sour cream with 2 tsp of milk, 1 tsp of honey, yolk of an egg. Apply the mask on the face,leave for 30 minutes. It has regenerative effects, making the face skin smooth & silky.
Face steam with cornflower relaxes the skin. Exposure to the steam lasts 10-15 minutes over a pot with hot tea made from cornflower, marigold & wild chamomile. For more efficiency, a towel is placed on the back of the head & let its edges drop around the pot of tea to stop the steam from being wasted. MAGIC:Cornflower is a symbol of a subtle & beautiful soul, righteousness & virtue, or purity, modesty & friendliness.
The cornflower was believed to be a potent protection against the evil spirits & against all sorts of misfortunes which are caused by the Evil One.
No wonder these flowers were grown in the front- & backyards of many peasant houses & if they were blessed by a priest during certain religious feasts, they preserved their magic powers until next year.
A nosegay of cornflowers was used for sprinkling the newlyweds with holy water as a form of blessing.
Infusions made from cornflowers could be used for sprinkling the places where important events were to take place.
Girls used cornflower infusions for washing their faces with — it was believed to help preserve the beauty & protect against evil spells.
If you bring cornflowers into the house with you,your bread will grow mouldy.
Blue Cornflower is the ancient plant of love, sex & fertility. If looking for love or your soul mate, it is said that sprinkling cornflowers in your right shoe will attract the right lover. For fertility, keep cornflowers in a pouch between the pillows, or sprinkle under the bed. This is also good to attract healthy sex.Men in love should wear cornflower to express love to their beloved, if the flower fades quickly, it means that the man’s love is not returned.Brew into a tea, sprinkle inside & outside the house to bring peace & happiness to a marriage.A decoction of the petals, filtered through 3 layers of linen & ritually consecrated beneath a full moon with a moonstone, were used as an eye bath for increasing clairvoyance : enabling one to see aspects of the universal creative forces.Grind blue cornflowers to a fine powder, then sweep your house with a broom. When your home is thoroughly swept & spotless, sprinkle the powder over the threshold of all doors which allow entry to the property.Also sprinkle it in the corner of every room, including the corners of all your cupboards.Blue Cornflower is a national flower of Estonia which symbolizes the daily bread to the people of Estonia. It has been a party symbol of some of the political parties of Estonia & denotes liberalism.